Saturday, 8 May 2010

That tired old "You're not straight if..." argument

Just thought I'd share a recent post I made to the LPSG (Large Penis Support Group) Forum in response to a thread where straight guys were offering to let another guy suck them off. As usual it descended into one group screaming about "you're no longer straight if..." So, I had to respond. lol

Oh I love this debate.

All the people who yell "you're not straight if..." are always completely ignorant of the FACT that sexual labels were INVENTED BY MAN.
Before Hitler the idea of homosexuality had never been verbalized. It was created by a humanitarian author attempting to combat Hitler's views on men who have sex with men.
Prior to that it was accepted that many men had fetishes (though they were not described as that) for sexual acts and physical attributes relating to other men, and they still married and had children. It wasn't widely discussed, and it wasn't considered an important issue by most.
Women had their loving and attentive husbands, kids had their fathers, and men had their families and their "close male friends".
It's how the ancient Greeks did it. It's how most civilizations did it up until this creation of the sexually segmented society.

No other species on Earth segregates or defines on the basis of a sexual act, and it is now commonly accepted that all animals experience same-sex events just as Humans do. They don't have other members of their species dictating to them what that makes them.

The fact is, you can enjoy cock and not be gay. A fetish for one aspect of male anatomy or sexual act does not dictate who a person falls in love with or what OTHER PEOPLE have the imagined right to call them.

Millions of men who have female partners and completely heterosexual lifestyles have a fetish for cock, ejaculation, masturbation... It's probably right up there with a boob fetish. It's just not talked about because of this fake label scenario we all live under.

I long for the day when we finally destroy this gay/bi/straight insanity and just live by what makes us happy. Screw what other people think it "makes you". It doesn't make you any different to who you already are.
And when other people (who really have no right to be telling you what or who you are) start to shove you into a little box just like theirs, just walk away knowing you're more intelligent than they are.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I really loved your comment. That's exactly how I feel and think. I have a wonderfull girlfriend, but like to talk to other guys about wanking, and once I wanked together. Thanks for the blog. I wish we had blogs like this here in Brazil.
